I know it’s crazy!!!!
- Important you have to place your orders online at my website from April 6th –April 8th. No later or it won’t qualify.
- You will get FREE Shipping!!! Whoo Hoo!
Now for some other info and possible something you might want to take advantage of.
Stampin’ Up ! will have a Color Refresh! Wait until you see…..
for a closer look of what is retiring and only available while supplies last look here….
Beginning on April 4, 2013, all retiring/discontinued color products (i.e. ink, paper, ribbon, accessories, etc.) will be available only while supplies last. This means that some products will not be available through the retired list period.
So if some of your favorite colors are here…better get them now…seriously!
Watercolor Pencils and Crayons Discontinued
Now for the good news! We still have these remaining collections of the Watercolor Wonder Crayons available to order. The Subtles (item 119802), Neutrals (item 119805), and Regals (item 119803) Collections are only available while supplies last. Get 'em before they're gone!
Phew!!! So many things to tell you. I’ll be back but get ready to order to get you FREE SHIPPING starting Saturday!

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