Hi Everyone,
I’d like to share a card that I made for my Husband. Today is his Birthday and I’ve been in my office creating this for him all morning. I wanted it to be extra special.
You see he had surgery on Friday and has been having a hard time so I want to cheer him up a bit.
You know he loves boats and if I could I would get him one for his Birthday but they are a bit pricey…..hehe
If I could I would take the pain away as it’s so difficult to be on this side of a surgery looking in (He’s usually the one taking care of me). He’s on the road to recovery so that is a good thing.
If I could I’d turn back time so we could have another 40 some odd years together. That’s how much I love this man!!
Thanks for letting me share this special card with you today I appreciate it and you for looking in.
By the way…….The technique used on this was “Reverse Soot Stamping”. I will try and do a picture tutorial in a few days.
Happy Birthday to my Husband…..Love you!!

Beautiful, Lee! Hope your husband gets to feeling better soon.
AWESOME!Very pretty card,love the stamp...
Very nice card..it will warm your Honey's heart.
Hope he is feeling better, each day.Keep yourself strong.
Mine had quadruple bypass surg in Aug.Still getting stronger.
Happy Birthday, Lee's Honey!
This is fabulous, Lee!!!! Your husband should absolutely love it...and hopefully it will provide good healing chee (sp?) and the love will keep him strong and healing! Sending best thoughts to you both!
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