Hi Everyone,
Just had to share how much fun we had yesterday at our “Stamp Out Breast Cancer Event” yesterday here in Jacksonville, Florida. We had tornado warning and I almost got blow away outside when I went to retrieve a few umbrealls out of the cars but….it’s did not dampen our spirits or our desire to help this worthy cause. I hope you enjoy the pics below of my event.
Here are a few fun shots of my Stampin’ Angels!!
Our little Angel Sharon a Survivor to say the least!!!
Christina was an Angel helping me out. I think she might fly!!
Then we have Karen a very special friend and Survivor!!
Angie our Angel who Hostesses our events at her facility.
Angel Lynn waving her magic wand to keep Karen Cancer FREE!
Another shot from Angel Barb just for good measure!
Our lovely Miss Nina…..she’s a stitch and an Angel for sure!!
A special Angel….Kathy also a Survivor!!
Daughter Angel Sandy making a wish for Mom
Angel Mikki…..doesn’t she look cute as a button?
This is Angel Brandy and she is a delight !!
Brandy’s Angel Mom
Are we having fun yet?
I think so….
Special Angel Friends
My more than beautiful Angel Brenda
Angel Darlene…ready to take a stand to stamp out Breast Cancer
Special Angel Friends
Angel Tudy and Angel Mikki having a blast!!
Angels at work
Angel Donna….she’s the best and so creative. Donna is an Angel in so many respects. She helps tons of children in the Jacksonville Area!! She really does have wings!!
Jeff just couldn’t resist stopping in. He is Angel Angie’s Hubby and runs the facility we had this at. Ahemmmm…he also likes my cooking and wanted to eat!! hehe ….ya Jeff!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me share a bit of how my event went yesterday.
Want to help Stamp Out Breast Cancer? Be an Angel and Order the Strength and Hope Set from Stampin’ Up! They will donate $2.00 for ever set sold. You can be a Stamp Out Breast Cancer Angel too and order at my website
Item numbers for the Strength and Hope Set are:
Wood Mount #118100 $17.95
Clear Mount #123660 $13.95
Together we can make a difference!!!
Now if you would like to see more….hop on over to Sandi’s event…. without her this would not have happened. Thanks for including us Sandi!!!

Looks like you had a great time! And for such a great cause, too!!!
Love your pictures...where did you get all your pink angel wings and wands? Thank you for your ideas! kt
What a beautiful group of ladies - all of you! Love the deelie bobbers and the angle wings...you all look so happy to be there - inspite of the tornado warnings!!! Thanks for sharing the spirit of the day in photos. I was tied up all weekend so have yet to play but ordered through Sandi so hope to get on it soon!
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