Wow!!!! What a Blog Tour…..I hope you all enjoyed the ride. There is a ton of talent out there don’t you think?
Drum roll please...................
Blog Candy Winner is:
I know, I know you’re seeing the same card as on the tour but with the tutorial……enjoy!
I finally had a few minutes to do a tutorial on this card. This card features “Bloomin Beautiful” from Stampin’ Up! I’ve had so many requests to share this so I hope you enjoy it.
Crimping Technique………………….
First you need a piece of card stock measuring 4’ x 5 1/4”…you will need to have this piece marked on the center edge of all sides as seen below. The center is 2” on the short sides and 2 5/8” on the long sides. Mark with pencil so you can erase
Then you want to score from a long side to a short side as seen here marked by a broken line (dashes).
and score….
Once you have scored it you will need to fold it in….like this;
then you will place it folded into your crimper……as shown below
try and keep it folded
Run it though the crimper and don’t despair when it hasn’t totally crimped in the center. Simply open and crimp again from both sides to the center to get full crimped coverage.
like this….
do this from both sides to fill in the center and you’re done!!!! Now that wasn’t hard was it?
Now to get the cute little diamond shapes for the inside of the center…I crimped another piece and cut the center out (large diamond) and cut it down to where I wanted it. Make sure to cut equally on all sides to make your templates and then trace to cardstock. That’s it!!!
Thanks for stopping by and as always…..
Have a Stampinglee Good Day!
***Come back tomorrow to see who won the “Blog Candy”

Lee, I love all of the cards you made!! You are so creative and your cards are beautifully elegant!! I think my favorite is the one with crimping and I will be anxiously awaiting your tutorial! THANKS!!